Feeder pig price is also high. When usually March to fall we see price decrees, this year mid-April price came to € 53 /pig (20 kg), Mercolleida, and maintain strong. Last week price was set at € 51/pig (20 kg). This is the reference price, but the actual sale price with premiums has reached € 78/20 kg pig 3 weeks ago, and at this moment around € 73 – very high value, we are in June …
With these Feeder Pig prices, it is not that the demand went down, but there is uncertainty about the profitability of these pigs.
In the first quarter of the year there were 1,269,595 slaughtered pigs – 14,208,389 tonnes, compared to 1,227,053 – 13,650,271 tonnes in first quarter of 2018. A 3.47% increase for number of pigs and 4.09% for weight.
The tendency for average slaughter weight is to increase year by year. In 2018 was 111.7 kg compared to 107.6 kg in 2015.
However, the situation this year is breaking with all the schemes, so far this year we have an average weight of 112.4 kg compared to 113.8 kg a year ago. Piglets are more expensive than ever at this time of year and the new Pini Group Packing Plant begins to do their tests. With these data, it will be “fun” to see what is going to happen in the second semester of this year in Spain, if in addition we place this in the context of the Porcine Sector worldwide with ASF, considering China’s situation more specifically.