Clarence Froese
M.Sc., Director of Nutrition, Genesus Inc.
Genesus recently engaged the Applied Swine Nutrition Team of Kansas State University to review and enhance its current recommendations for digestible lysine levels in diets for late-nursery and finishing barrows and gilts. The results of this review provided an accurate equation for predicting the daily net energy intake of Genesus barrows and gilts (Figure 1). In addition, dietary lysine: energy ratios to support optimum pig performance for each diet phase were reviewed and verified. These data were then used to develop a prediction equation for the appropriate ratio to use at any given weight (Figure 2).
From this information, a lysine calculator tool was developed which generates the appropriate lysine: energy ratios and dietary lysine levels for Genesus pigs on diets with different energy densities, and over variable weight ranges (Figure 3).
The lysine calculator tool, valid over a weight range of 30-280 lbs., allows users to enter their own values for dietary energy, as well as starting and ending weights for up to 7 different feeding phases. The appropriate lysine: energy ratios, dietary lysine levels, and expected daily energy intakes are generated accordingly upon entry of these variables.
The use of this tool offers greater flexibility and accuracy when formulating diets for Genesus pigs under various scenarios. For example, the final dietary lysine values generated by this tool reflect the influence of the energy level of the feed. Therefore, in environments where ingredients of lower energy content are used, the calculator will compensate by generating a lower value for the required lysine concentration in the final diet. As well, the opportunity to adjust starting and ending weights for individual feeding phases allows formulators to customize diet specifications according to their own feed staging programs.
The Genesus/KSU lysine calculator tool is an enhancement to the existing Genesus Feeding Guidelines for growing and finishing pigs and is meant to be used in conjunction with these guidelines. It can be found on either the Genesus.com or KSUSwine.org websites and is available in both metric and imperial formats. To access this tool, use either of the following links: