Electric Vehicle Mandates. Have We Had Enough Yet? By Pork Producer Wande Patsche

I am going to be very upfront. I have been pushed to the edge with the force our government is taking in controlling our lives. The unapologetic push for electric vehicle mandates is at the top of the list of unnecessary government controls. Let’s look at what’s going on.

California and Minnesota’s Electric Vehicle Mandates

In 2021, the state of Minnesota requires carmakers to deliver for sale in Minnesota a gradually increasing number of vehicles with low or zero tailpipe emissions each year, which includes electric vehicles. So what/who determines how fast and to what level the state of Minnesota decides the requirements for future clean car standards? Minnesota had a choice.

The state could either follow California’s clean car standards or follow the federal fuel emission standards. The MPCA, through a rule-making process, followed California. California has much higher standards and requirements than the federal standards.

Minnesota is the largest and only Midwest state to sign on with California’s fuel emission standards. There was zero legislative involvement in the decision-making process. Therein lies the problem.

Minnesota is NOT California.

Following the California Clean Car act means higher prices for everyone. There will be fewer vehicles that people will want to buy on dealership lots. There are reports that estimate the prices of a car on a dealer lot will increase up to $2,500. The average Minnesotan cannot afford that.

Now let’s fast forward to 2022. California’s governor is now banning the sale of any internal combustion engines starting in 2035. That means no gas-powered cars or pickups. This is not a joke. No question, the governor is out of touch with America.

Will Minnesota be required to follow the newest California clean car mandates?

No, not as of right now. Unless the state chooses to move with them.

What is the problem with mandating Electric Cars?

There isn’t a problem with electric cars. I support people’s choice in purchasing electric cars. The problem is the mandates. They are trying to increase the use of electric cars through mandates.

There is no question the government wants to increase supply. And, unfortunately, that is backward. They should be working on demand, not supply. If you increase demand, supply will follow.

Also, these types of decisions should be made using the legislative process. Do we need to be reminded who the government is? It is we, the people. Our representatives should be making these decisions, not state-regulating entities such as the MPCA.

Is there another clean air option for Electric Cars?

Yes. Biofuels.

What are Biofuels

Biofuels are renewable energy sources created by biomass, which is then converted to liquid fuel. Biodiesel and ethanol are the two most common types of biofuels.


Biodiesel is a clean-burning, liquid fuel produced from renewable sources such as vegetable oil and animal fats. It’s clean burning and also reduces the use of petroleum diesel. Biodiesel is good for the economy, good for the environment, and we grow it locally. Win, win, and win.

Biodiesel produced from soybeans only uses the oil portion of the soybean, leaving all the proteins available to nourish livestock and humans. Using the oils from soybeans is a very efficient use of the plant.

Biodiesel also reduces life cycle greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50 percent and leaves the smallest carbon footprint compared to all other liquid fuels.


Ethanol is a grain alcohol that is blended with gasoline and used in motor vehicles. Many gasoline stations provide a blended fuel, which typically is 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline.

Historically, there has been has been an abundant supply of corn so most of the ethanol made in the United States is from corn. Along with a consistent supply of corn, the Midwest also has access to water resources and livestock production nearby. It makes good sense to produce ethanol in the Midwest.

And like biodiesel, ethanol is clean burning fuel and is good for the environment and good for Minnesota’s economy.

What are the benefits of biofuels?

In a nutshell, biofuels help reduce the carbon footprint of transportation and other industries by making the most of our planet’s carbon cycle. Every gallon of biofuel that replaces a gallon of fossil fuel helps reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.

What will happen to the state’s biofuel industry if we continue down this path?

What is the solution?

It’s really about not using mandates and letting consumers choose what is best for them. Using incentives and promotions to increase electric vehicle demand is the way to proceed. But let people choose. This should not be coming from government entities.

Also, an issue that is not discussed is the electrical grid infrastructure. We need to boost our electrical grid significantly before we can support additional electric cars.

I am concerned about the projected increase in vehicle costs, to the point many people will not be able to afford vehicles. Then what? Do we go down the road of Oprah’s, “You get a car, you get a car, you get a car?” Of course, compliments of our government.

I certainly hope not.

It really is time we take back our government. We need to refocus on what the government’s purpose is. And, yes, it’s that simple.