Kit provides a fast method of moving medicators between locations.
Most livestock installations include flexible hoses to connect medicators to the building’s plumbing system. Besides being time consuming to disassemble and reassemble, it is also easy to cross-thread and damage the plastic connections when reconnecting the medicator. Damaging or losing the hose washers moving between locations is also common.
(Components of each kit)
Hog Slat’s new MEDKIT-1 incorporates female locking connections that make moving medicators between locations fast and simple. Because the threaded male connectors remain in place, there are no leaks from missing washers or damaged thread connections.
(Order extra yellow adaptors for the hose fittings in additional locations.)
The MEDKIT-1 consists of the components needed to connect one side of a medicator. New installations will require two kits for each medicator hookup. Order additional yellow adaptors (BGHFT075A) for each hose bib when setting up a new location.
CLICK to view a video on assembling and using the MEDKIT-1. To order online, go to MEDKIT-1.