Philippe Mallétroit – Director for France and Africa
Hog Market
In October (from week 40 to 43), 1 408 455 pigs have been slaughtered in France (zone Uniporc). Last year on the same period, 1 480 598 were slaughtered. It is a drop of 4.9 % or 18 040 slaughtered pigs less per week.
Same observation since the beginning of the year, 15 015 821 pigs have been slaughtered over the first 43 weeks of the year versus 15 788 166 pigs in 2022, a difference of 722 345 pigs (-4.9%).
The average price on the 43 weeks of 2023 is 2.175 € per kg carcass versus 1.705 € in 2022 on the same period (+27.6 %). Nevertheless, in September 2023 the average price was 2.032 € versus 2.041 € in September 2022 (-0.44 %), and the average price was 1.925 € in October 2023 versus 1.997 € on October 2022 (-3.61 %).
The first week of November, the slaughter activity was heavily impacted by Ciaran storm, a big storm who led to electrical failures in many plants and heavy traffic disruptions who led to a delay in pig harvest and who has reduced the needs of slaughterhouses.
After a lost of 2.9 cts per kg carcass last week, the drop was 1.1 cts this week, a price this Friday of 1.765 € per kg carcass.
Elsewhere in Europe, prices are stable or rising slightly. Unlike previous years, there is less pigs to slaughter. With the approach of winter holidays, some people are optimistic about an increase in prices.
Source : Marché du Porc Breton