AgriNovus released new research today showing Indiana as an emerging hub for agtech innovation due to its strengths in agriculture and technology.
Conducted by TEConomy Partners, the study entitled The Intersection of Agbioscience and Tech, identified the growth of tech-related positions across the broader Indiana economy and in agbioscience, including identifying the occupations contributing to the growth.
Key highlights of the study include:
Tech job postings in agbioscience saw nearly seven times growth since 2017.
Companies have posted more than 6,700 tech jobs in agbioscience since 2015.
Industrial engineering, technologies and technicians are among the leading jobs postings by agbioscience companies in Indiana.
The study follows TechPoint’s release of Putting Tech to Work in Critical Industries, which examines Indiana’s tech sector and its relationship with other advanced industries to drive economic growth.
To view the full study’s results Click Here