Come join us at Brakke Consulting’s annual Industry Overview presented at VMX and WVC next year. The animal health industry has moved past the pandemic and perhaps we are back to normal, or maybe a new normal.
Presented at VMX: Monday, January 16th, 2-4 pm, Hyatt Regency, Orlando N
Presented at WVC: Monday, February 20th, 2-4 pm, Four Seasons Hotel, Acacia 1
Key topics and presenters include:
Х Industry and top global company performance including a closer look at the performance of public companies in animal health, presented by Bob Jones
Х What a new normal looks like in vet practices and pet мм- continuing vet practice consolidation, labor shortages and vet response to inflation, presented by John Volk
Х A closer look at pet pharmacy consumerization and how we can all thrive in this new era, manufacturers, veterinary practices & retailers alike. Brand new market research will be highlighted from the veterinarian perspective, presented by Candise Goodwin
Х Trends, challenges, and opportunities facing animal health companies in finding talent in today’s business environment, presented by Jeff Santosuosso
Also, again at both events, you will be able to hear from top leaders in the animal health industry. Moderated by Paul Casady, a panel of industry leaders will discuss their views on the subject of: Managing Animal Health Companies in Times of Uncertainty, so you can hear firsthand from these experts.
The panel for VMX (WVC to be announced in January) includes:
Х Mr. Kurt Green, President and CEO, Vetsource
Х Mr. Kevin Pohlman, President, Animal Health, Patterson Companies
This information-packed 2-hour session will be especially valuable for executive leadership, sales and marketing, strategy, and finance managers and for decision makers in the animal health industry. After the WVC presentation, and once all numbers are finalized, you will receive a copy of the presentation by email.
Sign up today using this link. You can also email Amanda McDavid or call at 336-396-3916. Registration cost is $399; there are discounts for multiple attendees from the same company.
We look forward to seeing you there!