Farmscape for February 17, 2023
Full Interview 12:00 | Listen |
The Swine Health Information Center reports the detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in the U.S. swine herd in 2022 fell to its lowest level in more than 10 years. As part of its February enewsletter the Swine Health Information Center has released its monthly domestic and global swine disease surveillance reports. SHIC Associate Director Dr. Megan Niederwerder says among the highlights of this month’s domestic report is the continuing decline in the prevalence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.
Clip-Dr. Megan Niederwerder-Swine Health Information Center:
In 2022 the level of percent positive detection in adults and sows was the lowest that it has been since 2011. It was 14.5 percent of the sow herds that were tested and the prediction model is actually showing a continuous decrease in 2023 for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.
It’s really positive news with regards to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. This is a major respiratory pathogen in swine and it really goes to show that the elimination programs that have been developed based on research data and data driven science have successfully made this progress over the last several years with regards to, not only the prevalence of Mycoplasma in these herds but the long-term success of eradication and elimination from the herds. The advisory group really highlighted that this is because elimination programs have been successful at eliminating Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and commented that one of the key factors in the successful elimination programs is having a large stock of negative gilts at the end of the elimination program.
Dr. Niederwerder says this is very positive news, not only for Mycoplasma but for our overall ability to design programs for disease elimination and eradication.
For more visit Farmscape.Ca. Bruce Cochrane.
*Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers