In the veterinary care and animal welfare world, few individuals can boast the commitment and passion that Andrea Klassen has brought to her role as a Veterinary Assistant. Having started her journey with HyLife in 1998, Andrea recently reached a significant career milestone—25 years of service.
“How did it go so fast? When I started, I would have never imagined reaching 25 years. It is a nice job to have, it fits my personality really well, and it is easy to come to work each day,” shares Klassen.
Her roots are deeply connected with agriculture. Growing up on a chicken farm, Andrea initially envisioned herself building and running her own barn. Wanting to get some hands-on experience, working with pigs before venturing on her own, she was hired by HyLife’s founders and jumped at the chance to learn more about the pork industry.
Over the years, Andrea’s role has evolved. Starting in the barn, she progressed to become a Farrowing Manager and eventually transitioned into the role of Veterinary Assistant. She has witnessed the Animal Care Team expand and evolve, reflecting HyLife’s growing commitment to the welfare of the pigs under its care.
“The strong focus, the looking after our pigs. They are our responsibility; it is a trusted position, and that is what we are all going for; everything is raised with care. The reason I got into this role is because I like animals.”
Andrea is humble and not one for the spotlight; she prefers working in the background. When pressed, she credits her reliability and ability to pay close attention to details for helping her grow in her work.
“I feel like I have a lot of knowledge from my years. I have been in barns and worked with so many people. I always enjoy being with animals and the vet team is solid group of talented people who work together well. It has become second nature to me,” says Andrea, reflecting on her journey.
Although she never built that barn envisioned many years ago, Andrea has built a remarkable career with HyLife that has undoubtedly stood the test of time. We are thankful to have her on our team.