Ontario Market
- 100% Base Formula Price: $227.28/cwt (compared to $252.64 last year)
- Average Price: $259.30/cwt
- Market Hogs Sold: 107,516 (106% of previous year)
- Weaned Pig Value: $59.09/pig
- Feeder Pig Value: $93.75/pig
Canadian Market
- Prime Interest Rate: 6.70%
- Hog Slaughter: 414,507 (100% of previous year)
- Quebec Pool Price: $217.58/cwt
- Manitoba Calculated Hog Value: $233.83/cwt
- Value of Canadian Dollar: $0.7231 USD
U.S. Market
- Federally Inspected Slaughter: 2,436,000 (102% of previous year)
- Sow Slaughter: 62,565
- Early Weaned Pigs (Weighted Avg.): $27.31/pig
- CME Constructed Price: $91.02/cwt
- USDA Pork Carcass Cutout Value: $104.78/cwt
CME Lean Hog Futures
- August 2024: $93.48/cwt
- October 2024: $78.20/cwt
- December 2024: $70.33/cwt
Feed Market
- Chicago Corn (Sep ’24): $3.9450/bushel
- Chicago Soybeans (Nov ’24): $10.4850/bushel
- Soybean Meal: $657.32/tonne
For detailed data and explanations, refer to the “Notes for the Weekly Hog Market Facts” on onswine.wordpress.com.