Ontario Market Highlights: The Ontario market saw a rise in the 100% Base Formula Price, reaching $226.88, compared to $219.71 last week and significantly above last year’s price of $190.28. Weaned pig and feeder pig values are also trending upwards, now accounting for 26% and 41.25% of the Base Formula Price, respectively.
Canadian Market Overview: Quebec’s Pool Price and Manitoba’s Calculated Hog Value experienced slight increases as well, with the Canadian dollar stabilizing around 0.7188 USD. National hog slaughter numbers reached 429,756, marking a slight uptick from previous weeks but remaining below historical highs.
U.S. Market Snapshot: Federally inspected hog slaughter in the U.S. remained steady at 2.6 million, showing a 1% increase year-over-year. The USDA Pork Carcass Cutout slightly decreased to $101.59, with lean hog futures displaying moderate adjustments across contract months.
Feed Market Trends: Corn and soybean meal prices have seen a gradual rise, largely influenced by increasing demand and adjustments across supply chains, which could impact feeding costs in the coming months.
For more in-depth insights and detailed data on Ontario’s hog market, visit the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) website here.