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The pork industry is experiencing a notable resurgence characterized by a series of favorable trends and market dynamics. Amidst these shifts, both domestic and international factors are playing pivotal roles in shaping the industry's trajectory. In recent times, wean-to-finish operations,...
According to a recent Rabobank report on global pork trade, competition among major exporters has intensified, and the competitive landscape will continue to shift in the coming years. Low-cost producers like Brazil and the US will likely be at...
The March USDA Hogs and Pigs report, as analyzed by Rabobank, reveals a positive outlook for the pork industry, marked by several key trends: Breeding Herd and Productivity: While there were modest declines in the breeding herd (-2.1% YOY),...
Hog prices remain under pressure as YTD slaughter has run ahead of expectationsbased on USDA inventories. Average weekly slaughter of 2.5m through mid-Feb reflects acatch-up following lower Q4 2022 slaughter and packers killing ahead. Prices remain belowexpectations given larger...
Production will slow in 2024 as the sow herd contracts in the main production regions. This trend is expected to result in a decline or flat production throughout 2024, with disease pressures adding to the industry's challenges. Despite production...
Supply is expected to be tight in Q1, with consumption facing uncertainty. Tighter supply in exporting countries will likely limit global pork trade. On the demand side, rising inflation and high stock accumulated in 2022 will pressure import needs. Slowing...
The pig sector has again called for 'desperately-needed' price increases as production costs for producers rose even further last month. The average cost of production for pig producers reached 240p per kg in May, up 10p from the April figure...
Animal protein production will keep growing in 2024, but at a slower pace, as margins remain tight. The fact that animal protein companies continue to grow production and deliver on customer expectations amid such challenging market conditions is a...
Interest rates on farm loans increased sharply in the third quarter. Interest rates on farm loans increased sharply in the third quarter. Despite the higher borrowing costs, farm real estate values continued to increase, but the acceleration eased somewhat. Following...
Weaker economic growth is beginning to take a toll on global pork consumption. Despite early signs that the worst of the inflationary impact may have already passed, the lagged impact on consumption is likely to be felt throughout 2023. In...
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