Farmscape for May 10, 2023
Full Interview 13:08
The ongoing spread of African Swine Fever in eastern Europe and southeast Asia and the recognition of Hungary's progress in eliminating the infection highlight the Swine Health Information Center's May...
Farmscape for May 9, 2023
Full Interview 10:08
Researchers with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine are evaluating the long-term effects on welfare and productivity of providing environmental enhancements to pigs during their first weeks of life. In...
STOMP PLUS, a diagnostic consultative service from Zoetis, now provides even more value to pork producers and veterinarians as a supporting resource to the new Mhp (Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae) Guardian management program.
STOMP PLUS now offers more robust diagnostic sampling plans and...
As pigs enter the nursery, the primary goal should be to get the proper nutrients into their guts. Up until this point, they've been on a liquid diet from the sow, and now we're bringing them into the next...
Maurer Farms attribute increased performance to FarmTeam.
In rural southwestern Minnesota, Preston Maurer works alongside his dad, Rick, on their family farm near Morgan. “We raise corn, soybeans, wheat, and hogs – finishing approximately 22,000 head each year, plus we...
Farmscape for May 1, 2023
Full Interview 12:34
The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan has begun the development of the next generation of coronavirus vaccines. Two subunit vaccines, COVAC-1 and COVAC-2, developed by...
Farmscape for April 28, 2023
Full Interview 10:02
The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center suggests a better understanding of the epidemiology of Japanese Encephalitis is needed to halt its spread and minimise its impact. The...
Those early nursery days are important for pigs. They've traveled, moved to a new place and are getting ready to start a new feed source. Getting pigs off to their best start is essential for success all the way...
Farmscape for April 26, 2023
Full Interview 7:01
The Swine Health Information Center is emphasising the importance of biosecurity and biocontainment to help contain the spread of the PRRS Lineage 1C variant. The Swine Health Information Center's April...
Farmscape for April 24, 2023
Full Interview 8:32
The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center says the use of unapproved vaccines has contributed to a resurgence of African Swine Fever in China. The Swine Health Information...