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Farmscape for August 11, 2022 Full Interview 13:20 Listen The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center is advising pork producers to be aware of the potential for a heightened risk of Influenza A virus in the coming...
Introduction Skip to Introduction It is economically and technically infeasible for producers to exclude all pathogens from their herds. Instead producers aim for minimal disease status; expending resources to exclude specific pathogens and control the ones they already have. Maintaining a...
The basics of disease biosecurity, why a biosecurity plan should be implemented, and how to get a plan in motion. he outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in the United Kingdom attracted much media attention a number of years...
Introduction What is biosecurity? Biosecurity can be subdivided into 3 parts: 1) bio-exclusion involves keeping pathogens out of a herd, 2) bio-management involves managing pathogens already in a herd to minimize the negative consequences, and 3) bio-containment involves preventing pathogens...
Virox Technologies, the maker of Prevail disinfectants and the manufacturer of some of the world’s  safest, most effective, eco-friendly disinfectant chemistries, is pleased to announce a new partnership  with EthoGuard Inc. Effective from June 17th, 2022, EthoGuard is appointed...
Farmscape for June 20, 2022 Full Interview 14:05 Listen The Swine Health Information Center is advising additional monitoring and stepped-up biosecurity in those states that experienced an increase in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome. The Swine Health Information Center's...
Download the complete Abstract Abstract This publication was written for livestock producers who would like to opentheir farms to the public for tours or educational workshops, yet reduce diseaserisks potentially associated with such visits. Download the complete Abstract
Biosecurity was originally defined by Koblentz (2010) as "a set of preventative measures designed to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases." This has since been updated and adopted into EU Animal Health Law (2016) as "the sum of...
Understand the three levels of fly activity for more effective control Flies on hog or poultry farms are more than a nuisance; they carry diseases that can pose a severe health hazard to people and animals. Fly control is a...
A Saskatchewan pilot project is testing new technologies that will help pork producers improve biosecurity and protect their herds from disease. Farm Health Guardian and Saskatchewan Pork Development Board (Sask Pork) are collaborating to trial truck movement recording technologies...
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