Farmscape for August 14, 2024
Full Interview 12:57
Research coordinated by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is evaluating the prospects of displacing antibiotics and zinc oxide to protect piglets from diarrhea with vitamins. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in collaboration...
Swine are pivotal in the evolution of Influenza A Virus (IAV) due to their role as "mixing vessels" for the virus, creating novel strains with potential pandemic threats. This process involves antigenic drift in the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase...
The latest hog market data for the week ending August 9, 2024, reveals mixed trends across the Ontario, Canadian, and U.S. markets:
Ontario Market:
The 100% Base Formula Price saw a slight dip, closing at $231.22 per ckg.
Average dressed...
The spread of invasive feral pigs across Canada has become a significant environmental concern, with the population expanding at an alarming rate. Originally brought to North America for farming, these pigs have since established wild populations that are wreaking...
Full Interview 13:07
Researchers from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, CDPQ, and the Western College of Veterinary Medicine are investigating the effects of increased vitamin supplementation for sows during gestation. This study aims to improve piglet immunity against...
Hog prices saw improvements throughout the week, although national prices dipped towards the end. CME cash rose daily, and wholesale pork values fluctuated with notable increases in bellies. In Canada, hog prices increased by $4-$9 per hog, with significant...
Farmscape for August 7, 2024
Full Interview 8:57
The expansion of the CanSpotASF program to provide African Swine Fever rule out testing for invasive wild pigs is expected to further Canada's efforts to establish zoning. CanSpotASF, a voluntary...
Happy to share the August/September edition of Prairie Hog Country was uploaded to the press last week.
This issue is jam packed with follow-up coverage from the 50th Alberta Pork Congress, some amazing new vaccine & organ transplant research, a...
Compiled by Jaydee Smith, Swine Specialist, OMAFA
Ontario Market Highlights
100% Base Formula Price: Increased from $220.62 on July 5 to $233.55 on August 2.
Previous Year 100% Formula Price: Decreased slightly from $230.18 to $254.84 over the same period.
Farmscape for August 2, 2024
Full Interview 8:33
Animal Health Canada has expanded the scope of its CanSpotASF surveillance program to provide African Swine Fever rule out testing for invasive wild pigs as well as commercial domestic swine....