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In this episode, we sit down with Scott MacDonald, Canada Manager at Hog Slat, to delve into the comprehensive services and innovative products offered by the company. Scott provides insights into his role and shares an overview of the...
Ontario Market 100% Base Formula Price: $227.28/cwt (compared to $252.64 last year) Average Price: $259.30/cwt Market Hogs Sold: 107,516 (106% of previous year) Weaned Pig Value: $59.09/pig Feeder Pig Value: $93.75/pig Canadian Market Prime Interest Rate: 6.70% Hog Slaughter: 414,507...
This information is current as of July 23, 2024. This information is updated every week. Weekly Hog Prices Cash hogs generally started the week higher, excluding the ISM which faced a significant decline due to going unreported the previous Friday when...
Summary: The Weekly Hog Market Facts report, compiled by Jaydee Smith, provides a detailed analysis of the hog market for the week ending July 19, 2024. Key highlights include: Ontario Market: The 100% Base Formula Price increased to $220.83/cwt. The...
Farmscape for July 22, 2024 Full Interview 11:57 Listen The coordinator of Squeal on Pigs Manitoba reports research over the past two years suggests the wild pig situation in western Canada is potentially much more controllable than other regions....
Farmscape for July 17, 2024 Full Interview 8:24 Listen The General Manager of Manitoba Pork says Canada's own approval process for new products is giving pork producers in other countries an advantage in the global market. An article circulated...
With summer barbecues lighting up across the country and BLT season around the corner, the time has come for those in Canada’s hog/pork supply chain to breathe a little easier and take note of some good news. After several...
Ontario Market: Base Formula Price: Decreased from $227.46 (June 14) to $218.33 per ckg. Previous Year's Price: $238.86 per ckg. Average Price: $255.12 per ckg. Low Price: $231.70 per ckg. High Price: $278.50 per ckg. Weekly Average Dressed Weight:...
Farmscape for July 10, 2024 Full Interview 13:07 Listen The Wild Boar Specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation says damage caused to the landscape by wild boar is usually the most noticeable indication of a wild boar population. The...
Maple Leaf Foods has revealed plans to separate its pork production operations into an independent public company. This move aims to enhance growth and industry leadership for both entities. Maple Leaf Foods will continue its commitment to sustainable food...
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