Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
The U.S. market continues to maintain weekly hog marketings similar to a year ago with last week at 2,776,000, a year ago 2,772,000.
These current slaughter numbers appear to be at capacity with the...
Exploring new opportunities for innovation with emphasis on feed technology
New insights to drive innovation for the next generation of pig farming are the focus of a new research collaboration announced by CBS America and South Dakota State University (SDSU).
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
One thing there seems to be an agreement on with people we talk to is the number of empty finishers in the U.S. Of course, there are no real statistics on this but...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
Last week the USDA released the inventory of Pork in Cold Storage at the end of October. A year ago 611 million pounds in cold storage, this year, 448 million pounds. A drop...
The relative importance of human influenza virus transmission via aerosols is not well understood but some experimental data suggest that aerosol transmission may occur in humans in some cases. These US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) researchers wanted to...
Canada's 7,000 pork producers are pleased that the Federal Government has proposed a solution to fix AgriStability, but disappointed a consensus was not reached at the recent Federal Provincial Territorial (FPT) meeting. The lack of a consensus is especially...
Farmscape for November 24, 2020
Full Interview 12:53
Research conducted by the University of Saskatchewan shows pork producers can reduce their environmental footprints while lowering their feed costs by incorporating low cost high fibre ingredients into their rations. Researchers...
MSP is demonstrated effective at improving gut health in piglets at any life stage. Most experts agree that you have to start early, and MSP can be used on the first day as an effective gut health strategy. It...
Farmscape for November 17, 2020
Full Interview 14:18
A Geneticist with Hypor-Hendrix Genetics says, by improving the disease resilience of swine, the pork sector can improve its competitiveness against other protein sources while further demonstrating its commitment to animal...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
With the decrease in U.S. lean hog futures this past week and increased feed costs projected profits using lean hog futures and grain costs show near a breakeven farrow to finish for the...