D.A. Columbus, M.A. Bosompem, and K. Engele
Prairie Swine Centre, Inc., Saskatoon, SK
What’s the problem?
Mycotoxin contamination of feedstuffs used in swine diets continues to be a problem for producers. Research recently conducted at the Prairie Swine Centre has specifically focused...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
U.S. Pork Cut-outs last Friday closed at 81.47¢ lb., down to the lowest level for quite a while.
Last week's U.S. slaughter 2,667,000, down from a year ago 786,000 (-4%). U.S. slaughter continues to...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
The September 1st USDA Hogs and Pigs Report projected 1% fewer Hogs in the 120 lb. and over weight category. Actual slaughter has been less than the 1% projected. In our estimation, in...
Source: PigHealthToday.com
The latest disease outbreaks fueled by new disease variants are good reminders that the best biosecurity plans must include strategies to keep disease contained within a barn as well as ways to prevent new disease outbreaks.
“We have to...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
U.S. Cash hog price is having trouble getting traction with the National Hog Price weighted average dipping below a year previously for the first time this year.
DTN calculates U.S. Packer Gross Margin. The...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
The U.S. (Canada) needs continued pork exports to hold hog prices strong. Latest week report brought some good news: Pork Sales 45,700 metric tonnes (MT) - the highest week since May, led by...
In 1994, the Norwegian Pig Health Service decided to embark on a plan to eradicate Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyo). A partial depopulation program was initiated in all Mhyo positive farrow-to-feed and farrow-to-finish herds. Total depopulation was performed in all positive...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
U.S. slaughter last week 2,551,000; a year ago 2,694,000. That’s 5.5% less.
U.S. Iowa – S. Minnesota slaughter weights are 2 lbs. higher year over year.
Certainly, appears to us less hogs around. The USDA...
Lucas A. Rodrigues1,2, and Daniel A. Columbus1,2*
1Prairie Swine Centre, Inc., Saskatoon, SK
2Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Average daily gain and feed efficiency in diseased pigs may be improved by a combination of functional...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics
China's financial losses are high. We took the last quarterly reports of four publicly traded swine companies and then divided the amount to what they report as their sow numbers. The four companies...