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You have many factors to consider when designing a ventilation system for your dry sow or breeding facility to ensure your barn will provide an optimal environment for your pigs. The three basic options are natural, dual or power...
Introduction Proper ventilation performance, especially during cold-weather periods, is affected by many factors including the performance of the planned primary inlet system and the hidden, unplanned leakage inlets from cracks and construction gaps (i.e., infiltration). This article will describe research...
Updates help prevent feed spills and motor short cycling. In a previous article, Short Cycling Reduces Motor Life; we covered the expected reduction of motor life when the off time between starts falls below 30 seconds. Heat builds up in...
  T. Grandin, Animal Science Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado U.S.A.   Holding pens and loading facilities are used in abattoirs, saleyards, stockyards, and sorting facilities. Long, narrow pens are recommended where animals enter through one end and leave through...
Rick McBay Natural Ventilation Specialist Faromor – A Canarm Company Natural and dual ventilation have increasingly become the ventilation systems of choice for finishing and dry sow/breeding facilities. Once you have decided on your preferred system, options for the style and product...
Introduction: The world of pig farming is evolving, and at the heart of this transformation is the flooring under the hooves of our pigs. While it might seem like a minor detail, the choice of flooring can profoundly influence the...
A psychrometric chart presents properties of air in a graphical format useful for troubleshooting greenhouse or livestock building environmental problems. Psychrometric Chart and Air Characteristics A psychrometric chart presents physical and thermal properties of moist air in a graphical form. It...
A rapid, easy to use and reliable way of monitoring surface cleanliness of swine transport trailers is needed for practical industry applications. ATP bioluminescence has been demonstrated to be a good alternative tool for monitoring surface cleanliness in swine...
Farmscape for October 12, 2023 Full Interview 8:15 Listen A livestock handling specialist with J Woods Livestock Services says tremendous progress has been made over the past 25 years in the area of animal handling. The topic, "Why Pigs...
We omitted one important task in our winterizing buildings article...evaporative cool cell systems. The critical point here is draining all the water out of the system to prevent damage during freezing weather. Even if freezing is not a problem in...
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