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While the pandemic created many challenges for our business (like it did for the rest of our pig farming industry and the world for that matter), it didn’t diminish our drive to learn as much as possible about wet-dry...
Servicing a farm's fail-safe equipment should be part of every manager's routine maintenance program. Begin with examining the existing wiring scheme of the fans, controllers, and override thermostats. A common mistake is wiring the first override thermostat on the same...
Morton Buildings' innovative concrete splashboard, DuraPlank is now being expanded nationally, helping to make farm buildings stronger and longer lasting. Sean Cain, Morton Buildings president, said the patented DuraPlank concrete splashboard is the first of its kind in the post-frame...
By Natalia Heisterkamp Managing wet/dry feeders isn’t rocket science... but it is different than managing dry feeders or other common feeder types! Here are our top nine tips to get the very best results out of your wet/dry feeder: Rethink Pen...
Achieving the optimal climate in swine barns requires precise control and distribution of air flow. Adding a weather station to the environmental control system can enhance pig health and productivity, while also enabling swine producers to reduce energy costs. In...
REVISED: R.L. Fehr, G. Parker, S. McNeill and D. Liptrap1 1Associate Extension Professor. Agricultural Engineering Department; Associate Extension Professor, Animal Sciences Department: Extension Specialist in Agricultural Engineering West Kentucky Research and Education Center; and Extension Professor, Animal Sciences Department. Introduction The increased movement...
Quick facts Growth rate of pigs housed in hoop barns is similar to pigs housed in confinement barns. Pigs in hoop barns eat more and are less efficient than pigs kept in confinement barns. Feeding a low-energy diet based on small...
The E-Z Clean corner simplifies management by permitting an easy visual check of the corner wheels and quick access to any problem.   The corners are undoubtedly the weakest link on any chain disk system. Over time any moisture entering...
For the past few years, Proposition 12 has been a topic of discussion for farmers across the country, as its future remains uncertain.  Enforcement of this California law originally scheduled for January 1, 2022, has been delayed, and stakeholders...
You may recall, New Standard Ag recently remodeled a hog barn at Greenwald Colony. However, you might not know the family connection the Kurbis’ have with Greenwald Colony. We recently had a chance to visit more with the folks...
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