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Introduction Economies of scale and the greater need for efficiency have resulted in the vast majority of pigs being raised indoors. These artificial environments have a great impact on production performance and the health status of both the pig and...
What does it take to create the perfect environment for pigs? The primary goal is to create a space that is comfortable and well-ventilated. Whatever the temperature is outside, it is important to know what equipment it takes to...
This publication focuses on important aspects of evaluating and troubleshooting farm animal housing environment and ventilation system performance. Hand-held instruments are used to document conditions and performance of environment in animal facilities Good air quality leads to healthy animals and...
Introduction The transition in the swine industry to confinement production, where extensive mechanical systems are used automate many routine processes, has created new management needs and challenges. These mechanical systems wear and are prone to failures; therefore, they must be...
Ventilation fans are no different than any other piece of equipment on the farm...they perform better with annual maintenance. Doing that maintenance now means you will not be doing it in the summer heat. Dirty fan shutters can reduce...
ONE THIRD OF SOW FARMERS OPT FOR A MOVABLE FLOOR 80% REDUCTION OF PIGLET LOSSES DUE TO CRUSHING BY THE SOW (1): $350 investment recovered within three years, or: (2): PAYBACK PERIOD OF THREE YEARS The movable floor provides...
Automated ceiling inlets offer a time-saving alternative to gravity inlets. While the fans are our ventilation system’s visible, noisy engines, the air inlets play a larger role during cooler weather. Before reaching the animal level, incoming air should enter at...
Quick facts Using hovers reduces the use of fossil fuel energy in farrowing facilities. Hovers must meet the thermal requirements of piglets, especially during the first 2 to 4 days after birth. Hovers must also make up for reduced room...
Illinois farm converts nursery to 1800 head finishing facility. When presented with the opportunity to convert an existing 20-year-old nursery to a finishing facility, the owners of Probst Porkers LTD decided to move forward. Located near Sigel, IL, the partners...
Source: AllTech While swine productivity and efficiency continue to increase, gases and odors from livestock operations persist and have become a severe problem, with social implications for many countries. Swine facilities are intrinsically associated with air pollutants and the emission...
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