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A few years ago, our team started discussing how we could take our feeder nipples to the next level using our innovative solutions that were already proven and time-tested. Considering the overall improvement that our wet/dry feeders provided for...
Not all motors are created equal.   Know the difference and save money when purchasing replacement feed and fan motors for your farm. Catalog or stock motors are the motors that every manufacturer produces in large volume to meet a wide...
Remember your mother asking you if you were "born in a barn"? Because every time you came into the house you left the door wide open? The expression hasn't aged well, as old barns don't hold a candle to...
Hoffman/Drake Farms began raising weaned pigs on the home farm in 2000 with the construction of two 2,000-head nurseries.  This year another nursery and another generation to the family operation was added, EMH Farms. Located outside of Kirkland, IL, Ethan...
Ventilation systems in hog buildings need regular check-ups to prevent environmental issues that can compromise pig health. Winter audits are especially important, with ventilation running at low levels with little room for error. “A lot of the winter is spent...
Increased productivity helps lower labor cost and improve pig performance. By Duane Kleve, general manager, Nedap Livestock Management Operating a finishing facility today with real-time information on finishing pig weight and performance helps pig farms better work through today’s razor-thin margins. That’s...
We are known for creating the original wet-dry finishing feeder back in the 1980s. Since then, we have expanded the revolutionary concept of wet-dry feeding to nursery barns and wean-to-finish production systems, which are well-known throughout the world. For our...
See how this ventilation system provides key advantages for this family collection business. "The ventilation in our latest buildings incorporates all the improvements we made along the way," says Tyler Petersen from Eastern Iowa AI, a family business located...
Nobody has money to burn these days. Thin margins call for real-time information on finishing pig weight and performance. This knowledge helps make feeding and marketing decisions more efficient and effective. That’s where automating sorting scale technology can help. Here...
Like athletes using technology and training methods to get “bigger, faster, stronger” and reach elite performance, pork producers around the world are looking for technologies and management methods to make their production systems “better, faster, more profitable” and investing...
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