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A list of possible feed ingredients for swine diets alternative to the traditional corn and soybean meal components. Protein sources for swine Soybean meal is the most frequently used protein source in livestock feed. However, if cost competitive, several alternative crop...
Feed producers and farmers have options to protect livestock, says Rob Patterson Feed producers and farmers have sound options to mitigate in-feed trypsin inhibitors (TI), to protect against these anti-nutritional factors undermining livestock performance and profitability, says a feed expert. Rob...
Modern rye hybrids are less susceptible to ergot contamination than traditional rye, and has greater yield compared with wheat grain, which was a good incentive to evaluate feeding hybrid rye to grow-finish hogs. Rye is known to have greater...
Hamlet Protein, global leader in solutions for young animal nutrition, presented the latest findings on in-vitro evaluation of protein kinetics of soy-based ingredients at the ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS conference in Albuquerque (New Mexico – USA). The multiday event was attended by...
Farmscape for August 8, 2023 Full Interview 5:00 Listen The Saskatchewan Pork Development Board is calling on government to include help for feed grain users in any support programs being developed. Although hog prices have been strong, record high...
Disclaimer: Gowans Feed Consulting presents the ingredient prices and feed cost modelling as a snapshot of the market using current information available at the time of the report. These findings are for informational purposes online and should not be...
Kalmbach Feeds® is pleased to announce the acquisition of Ware Milling, an outstanding, family-owned feed business located in Houston, MS. This addition represents a strategic milestone in the growth of Kalmbach Feeds®, fueled by amazing customers and growing demand for...
Continuous monitoring critical to uphold performance and profitability, says Rob Patterson Understanding detection options is critical for feed producers and farmers to protect feed against trypsin inhibitor  exposure –  an unintended consequence of using alternative soybean ingredients that can reduce...
Proper nutrition of the breeding herd plays a key role in maximizing herd productivity and profit. Traditional feeding strategies for the reproductive female have used body reserves as a buffer against short-term deficiencies in nutrient intake, resulting in minimal...
Farmscape for June 28, 2023 Full Interview 17:16 Listen Swine Cluster 3 research has explored the prospects of displacing antibiotics with alternative feeding supplements that will improve the gut function of the peri-weaning piglet. With support from Swine Innovation...
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