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USA – Default

Improving the sustainability of the United States’ (US) pork supply chain requires a better understanding of the relationship between the environment and production practices. Pork producers play a crucial role in environmental stewardship, however, the impact of production efficiency...
Pelleting and reducing particle size of grains often improve nutrient digestibility by pigs. Pelleting may also reduce particle size of grains, and it is not known if improvements in nutrient digestibility obtained by reducing the particle size of grain...
If concern arises about a possible nutritional deficiency or toxicity in a swine diet, a feed or biological sample can help identify the issue. Since neither feed nor biological tissues are fully homogenous in character, the source of the...
In a recent trial focusing on Berkshire-sired pigs, KENT Nutrition Group, a KENT Corporation family business, found superior performance of pigs fed by the KENT Program versus the control group. This trial is the first nutrition research to focus...
CBS Bio Platforms showcases the latest knowledge and options to help pig farmers take charge. As pig farmers and feed producers look at options to minimize costs and reduce risks in a tough economic environment, new insights and tools from...
Farmscape for June 7, 2023 Full Interview 12:36 Listen The Swine Health Information Center suggests an African Swine Fever outbreak in Russia underscores the need for vigilance in sourcing feed. As part of its global swine disease surveillance report,...
The trend for ranching and farming, especially rural lifestyle farming, is not showing any signs of slowing down. According to the Department of Agriculture, the number of lifestyle farms continues to hold strong at nearly 800,000 in the U.S.,...
In order to improve the nutritional efficiency of feeding swine, one must provide the correct amount of nutrients for the size of pig, in the correct mixture, and in a manner that the pig will consume without wasting feed....
Rising use of non-traditional soybean ingredients comes with risk, says feed expert. As cost pressures across the feed industry drive more feed producers and farmers to alternative soybean ingredients, more awareness is needed on the risk of exposure to trypsin...
Howell N. Wheaton Department of Agronomy John C. Rea Department of Animal Sciences Use of good pasture containing alfalfa, ladino clover, and grass can lower sow feed costs, help maintain high level reproductive capacity of boars, and in many cases increase litter size...
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