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Advances include helping farmers optimize protein to win the battle with rising feed costs New advances in feed technology are opening the door to innovative opportunities for swine farmers to maximize success while transitioning to the future. A number of the...
Lori Ellensohn- Furst-McNess Company Livestock Feeding and Formulations Coordinator Finishing hogs in the summertime always comes with its own set of challenges. During the time of year when we can see some of the highest returns, we also see dips in pig...
The program aims to support pig performance at every life stage to maximize genetic potential  Novus International introduces the Scale Up™ program to help pork producers deliver on their specific business goals. Each stage of a pig’s life comes with...
Performance gap between market gilts and barrows costs integrated operations $5.12 per gilt About 50% of pig production is made up of market gilts, and gilts do not perform as consistently as barrows. Two university researchers recently completed a review...
Farmscape for May 24, 2022 Full Interview 10:41 Listen Research conducted on behalf of the Swine Health Information Center is helping build a foundation of knowledge for pathogen risk in feed. Since it was founded in 2015, the risk of...
Nestled on the outskirts of Independence, Iowa, are nationally recognized livestock and feed mill operations known as County Line Livestock and County Line Feed Mill. Established in 2002, County Line Livestock started as a feeder pig operation and...
Click here to download PDF Split-sex feeding, the practice of feeding barrows and gilts differently, used to be a more common production practice. However, in recent years, fewer farms have implemented this feeding strategy. Kansas State University (KSU) recently published...
Fat is the most energy-dense nutrient used to build swine diets. In general, fat sources have about two and a half times more energy than grain sources. “That gives you an idea of the caloric density that fat ingredients...
Quick facts Including up to 9 percent crude glycerol in lactating sow diets likely doesn’t affect sow performance compared to a typical corn-soybean meal diet. Dietary crude glycerol doesn’t appear to improve the sow's ability to cope with heat...
Written collaboratively by Ryan Samuel; Prakash Poudel; Crystal Levesque, SDSU Associate Professor-Swine Nutrition; and Benoit St. Pierre, SDSU Assistant Professor. Weaned pigs have an immature gut and microbiome, which can impact digestion and absorption of nutrients. Digestive enzyme activities are...
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