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When feed prices go up, swine producers usually see profits go down. That’s not the case in 2021. This gives producers an opportunity to look at feeding to heavier weights despite higher feed costs, says University of Missouri Extension swine...
Farmscape for November 5, 2021 Full Interview 8:15 Listen Research conducted by the Prairie Swine Centre shows pork producers can reduce their feed costs and their carbon footprint by increasing their inclusion of high fibre by-products in the diet. "Diets...
Feeding pigs a balanced ration can be a challenge. Not only is feed expensive, but as monogastric animals, a pig’s growth and well-being is readily influenced by the nutrient composition of its diet. Healthy piglets ready to grow on their...
A new high-oil corn product offers greater amino acid and energy digestibility in growing pigs, according to new research from the University of Illinois. “This corn has a higher oil concentration – almost 9% – and more protein, a little...
BASF and Cargill are expanding their partnership in the animal nutrition business, adding research and development capabilities and new markets to the partners' existing feed enzymes distribution agreements. Together, they will develop, produce, market, and sell customer-centric enzyme products...
Farmscape for October 22, 2021 Full Interview 10:20 Listen The Executive Director of the Swine Health Information Center says the possible introduction of a foreign animal disease through feed remains a top-of-mind concern for the pork sector. A just completed...
Farmscape for October 18, 2021 Full Interview 8:18 Listen Research conducted by the Prairie Swine Centre shows pork producers can reduce their cost of production and their carbon footprint by increasing their inclusion of byproducts in the diet. "Diets for...
Highlights • High oil corn has greater digestibility of amino acids than conventional corn. • High oil corn has greater digestibility of energy than conventional corn. • High oil corn contains more metabolizable energy than conventional corn. • High...
ProPhorce™ SR has been driving gut health and performance for 10 years. This quarter, Global feed additives producer Perstorp, will celebrate 10 years of commercial application of pioneering tributyrins solution ProPhorce™ SR in animal nutrition. ProPhorce™ SR quickly became...
Farmscape for October 7, 2021 Full Interview 12:47 Listen An Associate Professor with the University of Guelph suggests, as the impact of global climate change on crop production intensifies, it will become increasingly important to be able to quickly evaluate...
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