Source: Pipestone
Responsible antibiotic use is a subject American pig farmers are accustomed to. Consumers expect it and packing plants require it. Utilizing resources through PIPESTONE, Sturtevant Feedlots has taken their antibiotic stewardship to the top of the industry.
Scott Sturtevant...
Source: Reuters
China's huge livestock sector is facing a hike in feed costs as the country's worst power outages in years forces soybean crushing plants to close, diving down supplies and sending prices higher, analysts and industry participants said.
The rise...
Animal scientists at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture have demonstrated that replacing crude proteins in hog diets with feed grade amino acids can reduce the carbon footprint of swine production.
Commercially available amino acid supplements also help...
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Over the past year, there has been a marked rise in feed costs. Various strategies to address managing feed costs are currently being explored. This article is the fourth in a series that began...
Source: Hubbard Feeds
Although the LLRC-1 wean-to-finish research barn is fully filtered, the reality is that it only takes one positive case of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) in an incoming litter to infect a whole barn. This fact...
Farmscape for September 21, 2021
Full Interview 12:10
Research conducted on behalf of the Swine Health Information Center has shown the virus responsible for foot and mouth disease is capable of surviving long enough in feed transported from overseas...
Over the past year, there has been a marked rise in feed costs. Various strategies to address managing feed costs are currently being explored. This article is the third in a series that began earlier this month. Check your...
by Fellipe Freitas Barbosa, Team Lead Global Technical Management – Swine, EW Nutrition
In modern swine production, one of the key aspects for success is a balanced diet. This essentially means ensuring that the animal meets its daily nutritional requirements for...
Farmscape for August 30, 2021
Full Interview 12:47
Research underway at the University of Guelph will help pulse growers ensure the novel varieties of pulses they grow meet the protein requirements of the grower finisher pig. Research underway at...
Genesus Global Market Report
USA, August 2021 - Feed Conversion
Allan Bentley, Sales, Genesus Genetics Inc.
I had a conversation with a producer that uses a different genetics company. We started discussing his death loss in finishing and he admitted that in...