Every swine producer understands the first few days of life are the most critical time for a piglet. These early days set the stage for the piglet’s growth, development, and overall performance.
Piglets are exposed to a variety of challenges...
Feeding by Flank to Flank Measurement
Procedures for once per day feeding
Procedures for twice per day feeding
Sow Weight Measuring Tape
Sow Weight Measuring Tape Order Form - Updated August 2010
Gestation Feeding Chart
KSU Gestation Feeding Spreadsheet (Updated October...
J. D. Crosswhite, N. B. Myers, A. T. Adesogan, J. H. Brendemuhl, D. D. Johnson, and C. C. Carr 2
Feed costs have historically been the single largest cost of pork production. For the past six years, feed costs have...
With the implementation of the ISO 12099 standard for near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR), updated and expanded calibrations for feed raw materials and feeds, along with new functionalities in AMINONIR® Portable, Evonik now offers its customers in the feed industry an...
Feed grains contaminated by mycotoxins hurt feed quality and are detrimental to production in poultry and swine. Some key mycotoxins can induce differential impacts on poultry and swine production performance.
Corn field, photo by Elizabeth Hines
It is not a secret...
Phytic acid is the main storage of P in plants, and most P in plant feed ingredients is bound in the phytate complex. Because pigs do not secrete phytase, an enzyme to hydrolyze inositol bonds in phytate, the utilization...
Corn is a major ingredient in swine diets (ranging from 70 to 88% on a weight basis), which makes corn the primary energy source for most swine rations. The quality of the corn in these rations can impact animal...
An on-farm trial is an investment in your business, so before starting a trial it is important to truly understand the question you are trying to answer. Most on-farm feed trials will never give the result they were set...
Source: PigHealthToday.com
Swine viruses have been shown to hitch a ride in feed and feed ingredients, thereby increasing the infection risk. To address this, the swine industry has applied a range of mitigation techniques, including extended feed storage in a...
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Dr. Joe Loughmiller
North American Senior Swine Technical Services Manager, Phileo by Lesaffre
What is Heat Stress?
Heat stress occurs when a pig is unable to maintain a comfortable body temperature due to high environmental temperature and humidity. It...