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Question (Jim Eadie from
Tell me what Pork Producers...
Innovative solar-powered feed bin sensor makes real-time monitoring easy with no internet needed.
Hitting the side of a feed bin with a mallet, using load scales or installing vibration sensors to guestimate feed levels is a thing of the past....
Without a doubt, 2020 will go down in the record books as one of the most challenging years ever for the livestock industry, family farms and rural communities. Pork producers have certainly felt the abuse 2020 has thrown at...
Topics: Animal Sciences | North Florida REC-Quincy | Myer, Robert O | Swine Feed and Nutrition
Feeding Food Wastes to Swine 1
M. L. Westendorf and R. O. Myer2
The feeding of food waste or garbage to swine and other...
One of the most effective biosecurity measures producers can use to protect their hog operation starts with protecting the feed their hogs eat. It has been proven contaminated feed can be one of the vectors through which pathogens and...
In the first of three presentations based on his Master's thesis work, Diego Andres Lopez examines the concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, other beneficial macro and micro minerals, and potentially harmful minerals in commercially available feed phosphates.
Research published in the July 2020 issue of Transboundary and Emerging Diseases stated that feeding Ralco’s Dual Defender™ feed additive prevented clinical signs of disease and mortality in pigs challenged with several viruses including Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv),...
This week's Feed Additive Focus, brought to you by Glowlit, takes a look at the latest price changes in Vitamin E50 & Vitamin A1000.
Spot buyers are paying 25% less for Vitamin E50 than they were in Mid April, with...
Absorption of Ca and P by active transport in the small intestine is regulated by calcitriol, which is the active form of vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) and the hormones calcitonin and PTH. One-alpha-hydroxycholecalciferol (1-α-OH-D3) is an active vitamin D3 analog...
Support vulnerable weaned pigs and their immune systems with a focus on nutrition.
Weaned pigs are the future of your business. How you manage them in the first two weeks post weaning will make a difference now and when they...