USA – Default

USA – Default

Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics If Misery loves company, we have a real hootenanny* going. (*Scottish word, meaning party) The Utter Collapse of the U.S. and some other countries' pork markets is unprecedented. Coronavirus and what it has done to...
Most, if not all, pigs harbor some strains of Streptococcus suis (Strep suis). Lately, challenges by the bacteria appear to be on the rise, but that could be interpreted as a positive. “It’s up for debate whether Strep suis is...
State and federal courts have long held that a constitutional taking may occur from government-induced flooding. The Indiana Supreme Court recently handed down a unanimous decision explaining how courts should analyze permanent and temporary takings by flood waters. This...
Indiana House Enrolled Act 1003 changes the way we litigate administrative appeals. This will impact confined feeding challenges, permit modification appeals, and other regulatory decisions by our the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). Lady Justice considering an administrative appeal First,...
Last Week’s Cattle Kill Was Larger Than Expected; Bullish!  By Dennis Smith   312-242-7905  Monday, November 29, 2021  GRAINS:  Corn open interest was down nearly 70k from Friday’s trade. Shorts wanted out and got out. The fundamentals are not bullish. Prices are slightly lower early today. Stick with the risk on bearish positions that...
There are several ways to evaluate feed cost and feed performance in wean-to-market pigs. Each method can provide a very different answer for the producer on what is the “BEST” way to feed a pig. In a perfect world...
Seasonal infertility continues to be a widespread problem for sow herds across the US. And if you don’t have a problem with seasonal infertility, it may mean you are not recognizing it, reported Daniel Gascho, DVM, with the Four...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics   Last week was another topsy turvy week for the Swine Industry. Our observations.  Lean hogs average Last Thursday 53-54% U.S. lean hogs averaged 82.84¢ lb. The week of July 20th they were 71¢ lb. a...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics “Anyone can raise hogs. But it takes a near Genius to make money doing it.” “Anyone can raise hogs. But it takes a near Genius to make money doing it.” -  The quote attributed to...
Shenzhen Kingsino Technology Company Limited (002548.SZ) reported first quarter earnings on Wednesday. While revenue jumped 104% year-over-year, its net profit dropped 72% unexpectedly, due to huge loss incurred in Hog Futures trading. Kingsino closed at RMB6.08 on Friday, down 4.1%....
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