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Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics African Swine Fever in Germany African Swine Fever continues to be found in Germany. Over 100 cases now. The loss of Asian markets and Covid plant closures are backing up hogs but the hog...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Some Observations: Weighted Average National lean price stays strong at $1.07 a lb. U.S. Pork cut-outs last Friday closed at $1.22 indicating strong demand. Hog slaughter, surprise surprise, seems to be running lower...
Innovation in nutrition comes in many forms at PIPESTONE. From new technology, to better feed management, to improving the feed quality across our 40+ feed mills that feed sows managed by Pipestone Management, we are continually investigating ways to...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics The U.S. hog market has shown some life in the last week with lean hogs gaining about 5₵ lb., getting close to 60₵.  But what is there to say. Current prices mean a...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last Friday China and the United States agreed to a phase 1 trade deal with lots of details. The main point for ag is the China commitment to purchase $50 billion in agriculture...
PRRS, the 4-letter abbreviation that should make any hog producer shutter. The extensive disease pressure this year has likely caused this feeling more than once. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a viral disease resulting in complications with...
A couple of puzzling cases of diarrhea in baby pigs that didn’t test positive for the usual culprits were recently identified through genome sequencing as a porcine sapovirus, reported Daniel Hendrickson, DVM, Four Star Veterinary Service in Farmland, Indiana. The...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Hog Markets Go Sideway This past week we saw continued lackluster movement in Cash Hogs and Pork Cut-Outs. Observations Packers buying hogs are losing money. This is tempering their desire to be further aggressors...
An Indiana judge has answered the age-old question…is a taco a sandwich? The answer, at least under Indiana zoning law, is YES. A landowner in Fort Wayne, Indiana wanted to develop his property. He sought a rezoning from R1 (single...
State and federal courts have long held that a constitutional taking may occur from government-induced flooding. The Indiana Supreme Court recently handed down a unanimous decision explaining how courts should analyze permanent and temporary takings by flood waters. This...
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