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Indiana Swine Technical Articles

Take home messages: -Piglets are born with low body fat reserves and lose heat easily after birth. Cold piglets areless active, consume less colostrum and have increased likelihood of mortality. -Management strategies, such as drying piglets or the use of heat...
Source: The cause of high sow-mortality rates may be tough to determine, but producers can take steps to address the problems and lower rates, according to Randy Jones, DVM, with Four Star Veterinary Service, Kinston, North Carolina. Sow mortality didn’t...
  Simon Grey, General Manager Russia, CIS and Europe, Genesus Inc. Selection indexes in the Genesus Genetic Program are a measure of profitability. Genomic Estimated Breeding Values (GEBV) are estimated for the key traits affecting profitability. The higher the Index the more...
The purpose of the experiment was to assess the response of 10-kg pigs to diets containing increasing levels of dietary lysine when formulated on a digestible amino acid and ideal protein basis. The experiment consisted of a growth study...
A trial managed by Carthage Innovation Swine Solutions (CISS) in the US found that the 100 percent natural oregano essential oil (OEO) feed additive, Orego-Stim from Anpario, improved numbers of piglets weaned per sow through reduced mortality and removals...
Key performance metrics for swine production include feed conversion, litters per sow per year, pigs per litter, and pounds of pork produced per sow per year.  All of these metrics have improved dramatically over time.  Improvements in production performance...
Introduction The porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) epidemic in 2013 – 2014 caused high morbidity and mortality for hog farmers throughout North America.  Animal feed was identified at that time as a risk factor and one of the potential vehicles...
Dinesh Thekkoot PhD, Genesus Inc.   Pigs are polytochous animals, which means they produce multiple piglets in one farrowing. This evolutionary strategy is called “parental optimism” and it allows the dam to produce more offspring than what is required for its...
Abstract Animal performance, feed efficiency, and overall health are heavily dependent on gut health. Changes in animal production systems and feed regulations away from the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have necessitated the identification of strategies to optimize gut...
Download the Full Report Funded By National Pork Board Immediately following weaning, pigs must adapt to multiple stressors such as transportation, handling, litter mixing, crowding, and delayed access to feed and water. Antibiotics have traditionally been used to help combat the negative...
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