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USA – Default

Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics There was some life in the U.S. hog market last week with October Lean Hog Futures gaining $5.71. Pork carcass cut-outs closed Friday at $78.53, higher than its been for a while. Last...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last June China stopped purchasing Canadian Pork. Up to that time in 2019 China’s pork imports from Canada were 15% of total imports, Just below Spain and Germany at about 18-20% each. The closure...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics “Anyone can raise hogs. But it takes a near Genius to make money doing it.” “Anyone can raise hogs. But it takes a near Genius to make money doing it.” -  The quote attributed to...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics   Last week was Trade Deal week in the U.S.: with both USMEF* and China Phase 1 signed. *USMEF is the new revised NAFTA between U.S., Mexico, and Canada. For U.S. - Canada pork producers it...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last week U.S. Pork Packers started to recover some production capacity lost to Coronavirus plant issues. U.S. 2-day Harvest - Friday (May 8th) and Saturday (May 9th): Last week - 554,000; Prior week - 403,000; ...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics About a month ago President Trump and Ag Secretary Perdue announced the Coronavirus Food Assistant Program (CFAP). At the end of last week some more details were announced re hogs. Hogs Eligible Unit of Measure ACT...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last week one wild boar was found in Germany with African Swine Fever. This one dead pig has now resulted in China, South Korea and Japan banning pork shipments from Germany. This in...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics   Sometimes it pays to look at where we are compared to a year ago.  National Daily Base Lean Hog Price -53-54% October 24, 2019_64.50 ¢ per lb. Oct 26, 2018_63.72 ¢ per lb. This past...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics   U.S. Sow Herd Liquidation The U.S. Sow herd certainly showed significant liquidation in the March 1st Hogs and Pigs Report.  On December 1st, 2019 the U.S.D.A. indicated the U.S. breeding herd was 6.471 million; 3 months...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Every January the Iowa Pork Congress is held in Des Moines Iowa. It is the premier winter trade show in the United States and gets visitors from all across the country The Iowa Pork...
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