The overall objective of this endeavor was to develop and apply new tools and algorithms to swine diagnostic data as a means for enhancing the existing systems of monitoring the health of Iowa and US swine.
The number of porcine...
Animal performance, feed efficiency, and overall health are heavily dependent on gut health. Changes in animal production systems and feed regulations away from the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have necessitated the identification of strategies to optimize gut...
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Funded By
National Pork Board
Immediately following weaning, pigs must adapt to multiple stressors such as transportation, handling, litter mixing, crowding, and delayed access to feed and water. Antibiotics have traditionally been used to help combat the negative...
By Joe Loughmiller, PhD Phileo by Lesaffre
Background: Crop production, harvest and storage improvements have reduced the amount and number of mycotoxins in feed grains. Even with these improvements, data suggests that mycotoxins remain a significant problem for livestock producers....
Dr. Joe Loughmiller Phileo by Lesaffre Swine Technical Services
What are nucleotides and when are they needed?
Nucleotides are the components of DNA and RNA in cells. They are typically supplied by the digestion of nucleoproteins in feed. During the stress-filled...
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This trial was conducted to determine the effects of an encapsulated butyric acid (ButiPEARL™) in the nursery phase of pig production in a large scale wean to finish barn setting. The results indicate that ButiPEARL is...
Enteric bacterial infections, like swine dysentery, salmonellosis, and ileitis can be isolated from most swine herds. In fact, a pork producer can find such bacteria almost anywhere in a pig barn by collecting a fecal sample and having it...
Dr. Inge Heinzl and Dr. Fellipe Barbosa
The most important parameters for a pig producer is the number of healthy pigs weaned/sow/year and their weaning weight. Due to improved genetics, it is possible today to find production systems that deliver...
Dr. Joe Loughmiller
Senior Swine Technical Services Manager
What is Heat Stress?
Heat stress occurs when a pig is unable to maintain a comfortable body temperature due to high environmental heat and humidity. This becomes especially critical in larger pigs like sows...