USA – Default

USA – Default The U.S. hog industry has its challenges financially the last two years with almost continual losses. While the swine industry suffered other parts of the ag community prospered with record incomes from high grain and oilseed prices. The huge... Last week the U.S. average net hog price was 91¢ lb. indicating a slight profit if we use 87¢ lb. as an average breakeven price for farrow to finish. As we watch daily hog weight reports they appear to... Last week the USDA reported their projections for pork production in the quarterly animal production report. The USDA is projecting an increase of 837 million lbs. in 2024 above 2023 (+3%). It is projecting another 411 million lbs. 2025 vs.... The fed cattle market hit some new record highs last week with fed steers pushing $200 per cut in Northern Plains markets. The $200 compares to the five-year average at this same time of $120. It's what happens when... The USDA June 1 Hogs and Pigs Report was no market mover. When you look at all categories there is nothing to get bullish about. A fewer less sows, a few less market hogs. The reality if we were... This past week we attended the Ontario Pork Congress and participated at the Genesus exhibit. Our observations: The Ontario Pork Congress is held in Stratford and has been going for many years. Like most other exhibitors’ attendance is declining... Every year for the past six years Genesus has published the list of World Mega Producers. To be a Mega Producer you must have over 100,000 sows in production with significant pig ownership. Over the past six years the World... Last week we attended the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa. Our observations: The World Pork Expo put on by NPPC started in 1988. We have been to every one of them. Our industry has changed significantly over... Next Six Last week we profiled the largest six World Mega Producers. As we continue tabulating the list of 49 world producers with over 100,000 sows now take a look at the next six mega producers 7 – 12. 7. JBS... Genesus in collaboration with Swineweb has for the past few years done a tabulation of all World Sow Producing Companies with over 100,000 sows. As we prepare this year’s Mega Producer list it is interesting to see where the...
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