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Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Holidays are over, packers got working to get hogs killed. Last week, 2,849,000. We aren’t sure but we believe the largest weekly kill in a long time. Despite this big slaughter week U.S....
  Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics 2020 was one of the most challenging if not the most challenging ever in the U.S. hog industry. The slowdown and closing of slaughter plants in the early parts of the pandemic collapsed...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics   USDA December 1 Hogs and Pigs Report (1,000 head) December 1 2019 2020 2020 as percent of 2019 Kept for Breeding 6,471 6,276 97 Market 71,757 71,226 99 Market Hogs and Pigs by weight groups Under 50 pounds 22,048 21,739 99 50-119 pounds 20,648 20,260 98 120-179 pounds 15,256 15,246 100 180 pounds and over 13,816 13,980 101 Fig Crop 71,829 71,030 99 Dec 2019-Nov2020 (12-Months) (1,000 head) Sows...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics     Coming up to the holidays is usually never a good time for hog producers. Shortened work weeks at slaughter plants always give more leverage to packers. The best part of holidays for swine...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics The U.S. market continues to maintain weekly hog marketings similar to a year ago with last week at 2,776,000, a year ago 2,772,000. These current slaughter numbers appear to be at capacity with the...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics One thing there seems to be an agreement on with people we talk to is the number of empty finishers in the U.S. Of course, there are no real statistics on this but...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last week the USDA released the inventory of Pork in Cold Storage at the end of October. A year ago 611 million pounds in cold storage, this year, 448 million pounds. A drop...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics In last week’s commentary we wrote: “We will send out a challenge. If you know of a new sow unit in USA stocked this summer or under construction now, let us know. Send where...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics With the decrease in U.S. lean hog futures this past week and increased feed costs projected profits using lean hog futures and grain costs show near a breakeven farrow to finish for the...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics The U.S. hog slaughter last week was over 2.7 million head, about the same as a year ago. Despite this big number U.S. pork cut-outs stayed in the mid 80’s (84.06¢ Friday). We...
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