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Farmscape for May 13, 2021 Full Interview 15:48 Listen Researchers with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada expect to know by fall whether increasing the lysine content in sow rations during late gestation will stimulate the development of mammary tissue. In an...
Farmscape for May 10, 2021 Full Interview 13:40 Listen The Manager of the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network reports the first quarter of 2021 was one of the quietest quarters ever in terms of infections in swine herds. The...
The Pork Promotion-Research Agency (PPRA) held its first meeting of the delegates today and identified the members that will guide its first year of operations. The agency will be relying heavily on their collective knowledge and expertise to ensure...
We’ve all read the stories, heard the talk, and seen the memes about how horrible 2020 was. For those of us in agriculture and the swine industry, there were definitely frustrations and challenges, but relative to other industries, most...
Ventilation systems in hog buildings need regular check-ups to prevent environmental issues that can compromise pig health. Winter audits are especially important, with ventilation running at low levels with little room for error. “A lot of the winter is spent...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics Last week the USDA released the inventory of Pork in Cold Storage at the end of October. A year ago 611 million pounds in cold storage, this year, 448 million pounds. A drop...
Key appointment enhances Topigs Norsvin Canada Team. Topigs Norsvin Canada announced today that effective January 1, 2021 Dr. Brad Chappell will join its team as Director of Veterinary Services, based out of the Canadian head office in Winnipeg. In his new...
Customers gain premium nutrition solutions, global expertise and unmatched service ADM (NYSE: ADM), a global leader in animal nutrition, today announced the launch of its Wisium premix and nutrition services brand into eastern Canada. The Wisium portfolio offers producers access...
A sow's performance during lactation is pre-determined by her genotype. Large, late-maturing animals are traditionally better milkers. In sows, milk yield is determined by litter size. Recently, it has been suggested that sows could compete with high-producing dairy cows...
Jim Long, President and CEO Genesus Genetics On Thursday just after the USDA September 1st Hogs and Pigs Report was released, I was talking on the phone discussing the report. After the call, my son Spencer who was near and...
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