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USA – Default

In its monthly Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook report last week, USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) stated that, “Pork exports in July were 508 million pounds, 8.5 percent lower than those of a year ago. Higher exports to most major...
Genesus Global Market Report USA, August 2021 - Feed Conversion Allan Bentley, Sales, Genesus Genetics Inc. I had a conversation with a producer that uses a different genetics company. We started discussing his death loss in finishing and he admitted that in...
Whey, which is a co-product from dairy processing plants that extract fat and protein from milk to make cheese, has been used in diets fed to weanling pigs as a source of lactose. Whey powder does not contain much...
Phytic acid is the main storage of P in plants, and most P in plant feed ingredients is bound in the phytate complex. Because pigs do not secrete phytase, an enzyme to hydrolyze inositol bonds in phytate, the utilization...
This inaugural report sets a benchmark on some of the most important areas of the business and will be used as a waypoint on the journey to help measure, report and verify progress in the future. The alignment utilizing the...
Source: A sow farm, like a building, will crumble if the foundation isn’t functional, said Joel Sparks, DVM, with AMVC in Audubon, Iowa. Replacement gilts are the foundation that determine whether a sow farm will remain sustainable and profitable,...
Don't let rising construction costs leave your production facilities underinsured.  If you haven't priced a new confinement building recently, you may be surprised at the increase in prices. "We have seen a drastic rise in new construction costs," said Fritz...
The use of mixed reality technology in Hypor locations around the world offers the potential for fast, efficient, and biosecure collaboration during the pandemic and beyond. The reality of COVID-19 has forced companies to find new ways to collaborate during...
PigFlow Revolutionizes Pork Production Methods and Management, Will Showcase at 2021 World Pork Expo. SwineTech, Inc., the ag tech company that leverages voice recognition and behavioral tracking to safely raise pigs and reduce production inefficiencies, today announced that it has...
Extrusion is the norm in the pet and aqua feed industries, yet it remains unusual for swine feed in the United States. But the technology can improve energy and protein digestibility in pigs, according to research from the University...
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