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USA – Default

Margins continued to strengthen over the second half of July as hog futures added to their recent advance while projected feed costs were steady to slightly higher. The cash hog and pork cutout markets have been supported by seasonally...
Most commonly, when the word holistic is used within the swine industry, authors are referring to the use of non-antibiotic methods in raising pigs. Today, I’d like to introduce the term “holistic” as a bird’s-eye view approach. The definition of...
A leading panel of pork industry experts discussed sustainability, FAD, labor and trade at World Pork Expo. Sustainability. Foreign Animal Disease (FAD). Labor. Trade. There is no shortage of hot topics in the pork industry. A leading panel of pork...
Source: Using nutrient-rich coconut water to artificially inseminate female pigs could improve breeding and meat quality, a project carried out in Uganda has found. Uganda has the highest demand for pork in East Africa at 3.4 kilograms per capita per...
Source: Barchart Front month lean hog futures began the new week of trade with losses of $0.65 to $1.90. The August contract was down the most, but is still a $13.85 premium to October. USDA’s National Average Base Hog price...
Source: USDA news release The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for June 2022 analyzes economic impacts on animal product markets of month-to-month changes in USDA's World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates report. To view the complete report, click here.
Pork Exports Remain Below Year-Ago  Year-to-Date through April ​​April pork exports were down from the large volume reported a year ago due to a sharp decline in China’s demand for imported pork. “The COVID lockdowns (in China) dampened demand even further by...
Gov. Mike Dewine will award $15 million in grants to meat processors throughout Ohio in the hopes of helping strengthen the local meat supply chain. Grants are awarded through the Ohio Meat Processing Grant Program. During this round, which is the...
Source: Pork Checkoff Profit Maximizer Report Steiner and Company produces the National Pork Board Newsletter based on information we believe is accurate and reliable. However neither NPB nor Steiner and Company warrants or guarantees the accuracy of or accepts any liability...
Scientists with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Research Service (ARS) today announced that a vaccine candidate for African Swine Fever (ASF) passed an important safety test required for regulatory approval, moving the vaccine one step closer to commercial...
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