Pork Industry Report - Holly Cook NPPC Economic Study
China has been sporadic in the U.S. soybean market lately, though its purchases last week were unexpectedly large and probably much-needed as the top importer’s bean supplies have run thin.
However, China’s pig industry, the world’s largest, could be on...
Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium Audio Special for November 17, 2022
David Speller, the CED of OPTIfarm, discusses the topic "Is Technology the Answer for Improved Animal Care?
David Speller 6:38
Jürgen Kramer, the Regional Director of PIC EMEAR, Europe...
Source: The Press
This is terrible news for Quebec's agri-food industry.
The giant with its 8.2 billion dollars in revenue and its 16,150 employees lost money in 2021 in two of its three main divisions.
Sollio owns 84% of Olymel, the leading...
AMES, Iowa – Water is the most essential nutrient for pigs. It is critical for normal metabolic function, and vital for regulating body temp, excreting waste and maximizing feed consumption. Optimal water availability in pig barns is well understood, but...
Gunnoe's Sausage Company, a family-owned business operated in Cifax, Virginia for over 57 years, is announcing that Logan's Sausage Company, a family-owned business located in Alexandria, Virginia will be taking over all production and distribution of Gunnoe's Sausage.
"In looking...
The nation’s largest meat companies are being accused in a new federal lawsuit of colluding to fix wages covering thousands of employees as part of a 128-page filing.
The suit accuses affiliates of more than a dozen companies of conspiring...
Lesley Kelly, the creator of High Heels and Canola Fields and a co-founder of Do More Ag, discusses "When Stress is More Than a Season."
Lesley Kelly 7:07
Mark Fynn, the training resources coordinator with the Canadian Pork...
On any morning at the COP27 climate conference, you can expect a gauntlet of anti-meat protesters wearing pig and cow costumes, holding banners decrying the carbon footprint of livestock, and chanting slogans like "Let's be vegan, let's be free."
R-CALF and the National Pork Producers Council have submitted comments to the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) regarding a proposed rulemaking to restructure its livestock indemnity regulations when it destroys animals infected by or exposed to foreign...