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Those hoping that 2022 will bring calm after multiple market disruptions will likely be disappointed. Although markets are expected to settle somewhat in 2022, many drivers of recent change will remain. The stage is set for animal protein company...
 "Charting is a little like surfing. You don't have to know a lot about the physics of tides, resonance, and fluid dynamics in order to catch a good wave. You just have to be able to sense when it's...
Forward margins strengthened since the end of October on higher Lean Hog futures while trends in projected feed costs were mixed with relatively flat corn prices as soybean meal recently spiked. Labor constraints are beginning to exert more impact...
Live pig prices: The weekly average price of live pigs continued to rise month-on-month this week, mainly due to weak fluctuations. The price of live pigs continued to rise this week. Jilin was 7.80-8.10 yuan/catties, an increase of 0.16 yuan/catties...
November 2021 Fernando Ortiz, Ibero-America Business Manager, Genesus Inc. Inflation and Consumer’s Pork Price Mexico, like most countries, has also been affected by unprecedented inflation. The price index of the basic food basket increased 8.3 percent last month compared to the same...
CME Group lean hog futures rallied on Tuesday, supported by fund buying and expectations that supplies will begin to tighten in the coming weeks, traders said. Live cattle futures eased slightly for the second day in a row as the...
Agricultural credit conditions in the Tenth District remained strong in the third quarter and farm real estate values increased sharply. Agricultural credit conditions in the Tenth District remained strong in the third quarter and farm real estate values increased sharply....
Chicago Mercantile Exchange lean hog futures ended lower on Thursday, retreating near the close on technical selling and soft cash hog markets, traders said. The CME’s lean hog index, a two-day weighted average of cash hog prices, fell 0.51 cent...
Market showing signs of a change of direction.  Outside days, reversals, & breaking trend lines could contribute evidence of the turn.  Increasing volume would confirm the change whereas decreasing volume would indicate the move is temporary. Walt Breitinger, Breitinger & Sons, ...
November 2021 Philippe Mallétroit, Director France, Genesus Inc. Pork prices don't seem to get any better in Europe. First week of November showed no significant change in Europe’s hog markets, despite being reduced to only 4 working days in some countries...
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