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Minnesota Swine Technical Articles

By Joe Loughmiller, PhD Phileo by Lesaffre Background: Crop production, harvest and storage improvements have reduced the amount and number of mycotoxins in feed grains.  Even with these improvements, data suggests that mycotoxins remain a significant problem for livestock producers....
Dr. Joe Loughmiller Phileo by Lesaffre Swine Technical Services What are nucleotides and when are they needed? Nucleotides are the components of DNA and RNA in cells.  They are typically supplied by the digestion of nucleoproteins in feed.  During the stress-filled...
Highlights • Extracting RNA using TRIzol reagent from filter material ground with liquid nitrogen can be used to detect PRRSv and IAV from air filters. •PRRSv and IAV were detected in used filters from commercial swine farms that employed...
ABSTRACT A longitudinal study was conducted to assess the impact of different antimicrobial exposures of nursery-phase pigs on patterns of phenotypic antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in fecal indicator organisms throughout the growing phase. Based on practical approaches used to treat moderate...
A study by the Torremorell group was recently published in the Preventive Veterinary Medicine Journal. In this publication, Dr. Jorge Garrido-Mantilla et al. evaluated if piglets put together with a nurse sow were more likely to be influenza A...
Early detection of ASF This is our Friday rubric: every week a new Science Page from the Bob Morrison’s Swine Health Monitoring Project. The previous editions of the science page are available on our website. Since ASF has been found in the Dominic Republic...
A trial managed by Carthage Innovation Swine Solutions (CISS) in the US found that the 100 percent natural oregano essential oil (OEO) feed additive, Orego-Stim from Anpario, improved numbers of piglets weaned per sow through reduced mortality and removals...
In a new study by Paploski et al., researchers from the VanderWaal lab delineated the phylogenetic structure within PRRSV Lineage 1, described past dynamics of different viral strains through quantifying viral population sizes across time, and identified antigenically relevant...
Chad Bierman, PhD, Geneticist, Genesus Inc. What is disease resilience and why is it important? Disease challenges in swine put downward pressure on the economics of pork production. Disease resilience is important because it is a phenotypic descriptor for individual...
Today, we are sharing a recent article published in the journal Microorganisms by Dr. Valeris-Chacin and the MycoLab. The publication, available in open access, focuses on the relationships among fecal, air, oral, and tracheal microbial communities in pigs. the objectives...
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