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Highlights • Extracting RNA using TRIzol reagent from filter material ground with liquid nitrogen can be used to detect PRRSv and IAV from air filters. •PRRSv and IAV were detected in used filters from commercial swine farms that employed...
Introduction The porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) epidemic in 2013 – 2014 caused high morbidity and mortality for hog farmers throughout North America.  Animal feed was identified at that time as a risk factor and one of the potential vehicles...
By: Brigit Lozinski, Milena Saqui-Salces, Gerald Shurson and Pedro Urriola, University of Minnesota Department of Animal Science; Brent Frederick, Christensen Family Farms; Melissa Wilson, University of Minnesota Department of Soil, Water and Climate; and Yuzhi Li and Lee Johnston,...
Researchers VanderWaal, Paploski, Makau and Corzo at the University of Minnesota provide new insights into how PRRSv spreads between farms and the importance of data sharing in this research article published in Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Highlights The study combined three...
M. hyopneumoniae causes one of the swine industry’s most devastating diseases—a chronic, infectious pneumonia that can cause respiratory distress and lung lesions in pigs. It can also severely slow pig growth. In order for producers and veterinarians to best...
Abstract The gut microbiome has long been known to play fundamentally important roles in the animal health and the well-being of its host. As such, the establishment and maintenance of a beneficial gut microbiota early in life is crucial in...
Abstract Animal performance, feed efficiency, and overall health are heavily dependent on gut health. Changes in animal production systems and feed regulations away from the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have necessitated the identification of strategies to optimize gut...
Antimicrobial resistance in swine respiratory bacterial pathogens in the USA On this Monday morning, we would like to share with you this article published in Research in Veterinary Science by PhD-candidate Shivdeep Hayer advised by Dr. Julio Alvarez. The peer-reviewed...
By Joe Loughmiller, PhD Phileo by Lesaffre Background: Crop production, harvest and storage improvements have reduced the amount and number of mycotoxins in feed grains.  Even with these improvements, data suggests that mycotoxins remain a significant problem for livestock producers....
In this open-access article from the MycoLab, Dr. Maria Pieters’ team explores the influence of pigs’ gut microbiome in modulating their susceptibility to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. In a commercial sow farm, thirty-two piglets from six litters, naive against PRRS and M....
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