Monday April 22, 2024
Soybeans scored a double bottom on Friday. Wheat is trying to penetrate resistance defined at Friday’s highs. Bean oil is expected to recover off recent lows. I’m told that wheat prices may be responding to dry...
Traditionally, hog prices follow seasonal patterns, with annual highs in the summer and lows in the fall and winter. This phenomenon is driven by multiple factors, which include:
higher pork demand in summer, for grilling and outdoor activities
Research shows that if more piglets are positive for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyo) at weaning, there will be more problems in finishers, with decreased average daily gain, increased mortality and poor feed conversion.1 There will be a lower percentage of...
This winter has kept us plenty busy, even if much of the activity isn’t real visible to a casual observer. As always, we’re glad to have winter behind us. Welcome to this winter update from our farm.
Outside of two to three...
Monday April 15, 2024
Iran launched 300 missiles at Israel Saturday and all but a few were shot down. Most were shot down before entering Israeli air space. The lack of damage sustained kept the grain market and crude oil...
Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is a zoonotic and protozoan parasite that infects more than one-third of the global human population. Warm-blooded animals can act as hosts but only members of the cat family, such as domestic cats, act as...
Tuesday April 9, 2024
Grain news is quiet. Corn is 5% planted, mostly in TX. Heavy rains are falling in the south delta region of the country. The 6 to 10-day shows a vast warm up in the Corn Belt...
Jeff Feder, DVM, with Swine Vet Center (SVC), has spent 15 years fine-tuning filtration systems in client hog barns. Today, Feder has records to prove air filtration does reduce outbreaks of disease like porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS).
The USDA’s March Hogs and Pigs report places the March 1 inventory of all hogs and pigs at 74.6 million head, down about 1.6% from last quarter, and up about 0.6% from a year ago, compared to pre-report expectations...
Monday April 1, 2024
Open interest in corn futures from Thursday’s sharp rally that was inspired by the suprise drop in corn acres was up nearly 41k. This is short term bullish. However, IMO, the corn acreage number will increase...