Should We Sell Directly to Consumers?
This question has been asked of me several times. With the hardships going on with the hog market, is it time to sell directly to consumers?
First and foremost, I am not opposed to anyone...
Minnesota Pork Congress – prop 12
When I attended the Minnesota Pork Congress earlier this week, I sat in on a breakout session about Prop 12.
*** Just as a reminder – Prop 12 was a ballot initiative passed by the...
Friday February 16, 2024
Corn is flat with wheat lower (testing major support at the Nov lows) with soy slightly higher. Meal is up with bean oil down. Open interest in corn has declined in the last two sessions on...
t’s that time of year again. . . time for 2024 predictions. For the U.S. swine industry (and most of the world), 2023 has been a year most pig farmers would like to forget – not because disease issues...
By Tim Nelson, CIO
Strong biosecurity goes beyond what individual producers can do at the farm level. With the increasingly integrated nature of production, it’s also about what all actors within a system need to do to reduce disease risk....
Let me just start with, raising healthy pigs is not easy.
Raising healthy pigs start before the pigs are born by choosing the right genetics. There are certain pig issues that coincide with specific genetics. This is why we work...
Salmonellosis in humans continues to be one of the most commonly reported gastrointestinal infections in both the European Union (EU) and North America. Pork is one of a number of sources for human salmonellosis outbreaks. It is well understood...
You may have heard the hog industry is facing some challenges. As a pig farmer, it’s not a lot of fun. There are many issues going on and I am going to try and break down what I feel...
And what might that be?
Farm Transitions
Baby boomers own and still farm the majority of the farmland. It is estimated that 70% of farmland will change hands in the next 20 years.
Wednesday January 31, 2024
Open interest in corn was slightly lower on the rally yesterday. Basis levels held steady with slight weakness noted in some locations. The farmer will be the next big seller. Yesterday’s flurry was likely generated by...