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Ben Franklin is credited with saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The proverb holds true today and is particularly relatable for pork producers. A disease event has the protentional to increase your production costs, reduce...
I was fortunate to be asked to testify before the US Senate Agricultural Committee recently about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on agriculture. Although AI and its simpler cousin machine learning (ML) have operated behind the scenes for...
Tuesday December 12, 2023 GRAINS: Overnight grain news is quiet. The so called “drought” in Brazil has been grossly over-billed. They’re still likely to harvest a record large soybean crop. The crop will be late and yield may be down but due to expanded acreage, the size...
CME: Lean Hog (HE) Throughout 2023, U.S. grocery shoppers find that beef prices rise rapidly. According to the National Daily Cattle and Beef report, published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Choice Beef averaged $290 per cwt (100 pounds)...
Monday December 11, 2023  GRAINS:  The COT report confirmed that funds are covering shorts in corn and wheat while selling in the soy complex. It’s well documented that Brazil will have a record large soybean crop due to expanded acreage. The crop size is edging lower...
Tuesday December 5, 2023  GRAINS:  The trade will be watching to see if China comes into the U.S. wheat market again today. Their purchase yesterday, 440,000 MT, was the largest U.S. wheat purchase in over three years. Soy has bounced overnight after the miserable close...
Monday December 4, 2023 GRAINS: The wide-eyed weather bulls are getting their butts kicked this morning. Soybeans have penetrated support. There is rain in N. Brazil. The crop will still be shaved down over time, but they will have a crop, a very good crop. I contend that...
Yes, the dreaded PRRS. PRRS stands for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome. It's the time of year when it is prevalent. So how does this impact us? Since it is a virus, we only give medications to help the pigs with...
Wednesday November 29, 2023  GRAINS:  Open interest in corn futures dropped a massive 51.5 k yesterday ahead of first notice day tomorrow. These buyers will eventually come back into the market. The situation in Brazil has stabilized but soy futures have tested support and...
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