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A list of possible feed ingredients for swine diets alternative to the traditional corn and soybean meal components. Protein sources for swine Soybean meal is the most frequently used protein source in livestock feed. However, if cost competitive, several alternative crop...
When you drive by a hog barn, do you every wonder where does the manure go? Some of you may think it is a waste product, but you may be surprised to know how valuable manure truly is. Modern pig...
The annual show pig season arrives each fall. Shows at achievement days and state fairs are the culmination of hard work, dedication, and a deep appreciation for the art of raising and showing pigs. Show pig season, often a...
At Swine Insights, we have developed a concept called "The Three Pillars of Profitability". We use the image above to explain the concept. The idea is that profitability is the roof which is supported by three pillars which is,...
Meat inspection is a very important part of food safety and quality assurance for pork. Consumers rely on meat inspection to assure that the meat that they eating is safe and wholesome. Livestock producers rely on inspection information as...
    When my husband was a teacher, he never understood why I thought the American version of “The Office” was so funny. One of my favorite episodes is when Dwight Schrute switches to an exercise ball as a replacement for...
In southern Minnesota, most farmers grow two types of crops – corn and soybeans. With all the crops grown, where do our crops go? Why do we grow corn and soybeans? Market access is THE most important factor in determining what crops we...
Todd Thurman, Swine Insights International Adequate intake of colostrum is a major factor in piglet survival. Research has shown that piglets that don’t get at least a minimum dose of colostrum in the first 24 hours after birth die at...
Modern-day swine production has faced numerous challenges over the years. From increased production costs, herd health concerns, ever-increasing regulations, and the ever-looming threat of a foreign animal disease outbreak (most notably African Swine Fever), one could understand why swine...
I have been contemplating how and when to talk about some changes coming to our farm. As many of you know, we raise hogs. We are a small part-owner of a sow farm about 20 miles away. This sow...
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