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USA – Default

What is a “Business Strategy” or a “Strategic Plan” for my business? It may be best to start with what is “not” strategy. Strategy is not operational best practices. Strategy is not a forecast. Strategy is not simply a...
Tuesday June 6, 2023  D-DAY  GRAINS:  The corn crop is planted and 85% emerged. Condition ratings dropped hard as reported yesterday. However, it’s critically important to remember that condition ratings in early Jun have very little correlation to yield. In addition, rain is in the...
What is the best way to house sows? Is it gestation crates? Is it group housing? Is it outdoor living? I hope to answer why pig farmers use gestation crates. For most people, sow housing raises a lot of...
Wednesday May 31, 2023  GRAINS:  The normal weather pattern is driving grain prices sharply lower. It’s not a drought pattern, at least not right now. The Eastern Belt still looks dry, but the market does not perceive a problem. Dec corn is headed toward critical...
The USDA’s Partnership for Climate-Smart Commodities program represents an investment of over $3.1 billion into US agriculture.  The statistics for the program huge:  USDA selected 141 proposals from corporations, non-profits, and universities were selected to study ways to increase...
Revenue is a key metric for a producer to be successful in their pork production enterprise. As we consider strategies for success, I’d like to highlight a few key tactics producers can adopt that, in the long run, will...
Her name is Cutie Putie (2010), symbolizing my passion and drive to do better for our sows. As you read my thoughts on Prop-12, please remember that I have personally managed and worked in many swine systems in my career,...
At Hubbard Feeds, one of our main goals is to provide science-driven solutions to our customers. To achieve that, each year we conduct more than 20 commercial scale trials with nursery and grow-finish pigs on a diverse range of...
Under new guidance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, medically important antibiotics will require veterinary oversight beginning June 11, 2023. Courtesy: Canva On June 11, 2023, the next step in the effort to curtail antimicrobial resistance will come from...
Management of livestock is essential for a healthy herd. Some medications can be avoided with close observation and understanding of a herd health plan, which is the main objective of the management over medication concept. Swine management is the practice...
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