USA – Default

USA – Default

Take-Home Message ASFV-like viruses can exist as a stable viable form, even in feed and feed constituents. Due to the ongoing outbreaks of ASF in Europe, Asia and most recently in the Caribbean Dominican Republic, we must now consider this...
When I started my career in commodity futures two decades ago, I took lectures from a former trader at the CME livestock pit. Mike used his favorite trade to explain the complex concept of inter-commodity spread. Here it is: Beef...
The University of Minnesota’s (UMN) West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC) at Morris, Minnesota, is home to many research projects which evaluate non-conventional ag production practices. The University’s organic dairy herd, organic swine herd, and several innovative alternative...
This spring, I was happy to be invited to speak to students at different events at Indiana University and at Purdue University. I traveled to West Lafayette in February for a pork industry career panel, and then to Bloomington...
312-242-7905  Tuesday, May 9, 2023   GRAINS:   Corn turned lower in the wake of the doji pattern formed yesterday. The crop is going in the ground at a fast pace. However, concerns regarding ND will persist with rain in the forecast for the north plains...
I recently traveled to St. Paul talking to my legislators as a representative of Minnesota Farm Bureau. I am a strong proponent that we need to stay in contact with our representatives. Is there a problem with that? Most...
Our vet team is frequently asked, “What’s new at PIPESTONE?” This often elicits a casual response of “Oh, not much.” But, as I sat down to write my CVO commentary it occurred to me that there has been a...
The application of swine manure in the fall means nutrients for spring-planted crops and soil nutrient building for nutrients applied beyond crop needs. Therefore, it is important to understand and account for the available nutrients in your fertilizer plans....
312-242-7905  Tuesday, April 25, 2023   GRAINS:   Grains are lower across the board despite a wheat good to excellent rating at just 26%, which is the lowest rating since 1989. There is rain in the forecast. Corn and soy continue to sink with major support...
One of the greatest frustrations I have is looking at prices in the meat counter. We’ve all seen the extremely high beef prices and wonder why pork hasn’t made a run on demand relative to value compared to beef....
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