One of the greatest frustrations I have is looking at prices in the meat counter. We’ve all seen the extremely high beef prices and wonder why pork hasn’t made a run on demand relative to value compared to beef....
Quickly incorporating manure, particularly through low-disturbance injection, can dramatically increase the value of manure nitrogen.
A dragline manure injection toolbar applying manure to a grass hay field. Credit: Charlie White
Manure is a valuable source of the macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus,...
Wait, isn’t the saying spring is in the air? Yes, I know it is spring, but I truly met optimism is in the air as there are many incredible students graduating and moving on to the next steps of...
As a founder of a SaaS (software as a service) company, and a former pork producer, I understand the challenges and the appeal of developing software solutions from scratch. Before you decide to dive into creating your own software,...
One distinct memory I have growing up was riding along with my Dad (before car seats) in the feed truck when he worked as a delivery driver and ultimately feed salesman for Wayne Feeds in Ireton, IA. He would...
Summary of Program and Coverage Levels
Similar to crop insurance indemnity payments, the Livestock Indemnity Program helps mitigate the financial impact of sudden livestock losses. Courtesy: USDA Farm Service Agency
The Livestock Indemnity Program (abbreviated as LIP) was reauthorized, with some...
It takes a special person to farm. At times, that “specialness” sometimes turns into a certain level of, shall I say, “oddness?” Here are my top 10 reasons why farmers are a little odd:
1) Farmers have binocular vision
How is...
Back in February, I wrote my first commentary about and I received such great positive feedback that I thought I would give it another go. This time, I wanted to talk about our job posting categories.
If you’ve heard...
A profitable pork enterprise is the goal of every pork producer. There are many considerations when thinking of profitability in the pork production sector. One of the most critical is that of Risk Management.
The main idea behind risk management...
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Wheat is slightly higher with corn and soybeans lower early today. The weather pattern is going to open for spring planting starting next week. Of course, the Dakota’s have a ton of snowpack to melt away first. The moisture re-charge is...