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USA – Default

312-242-7905  Tuesday, April 4, 2023   GRAINS:   Wheat is slightly higher with corn and soybeans lower early today. The weather pattern is going to open for spring planting starting next week. Of course, the Dakota’s have a ton of snowpack to melt away first. The moisture re-charge is...
While South Dakota is still waiting for green grass and leaves to appear in March, the color associated with St. Patrick’s Day prompted the question, “What is green about pig farming?” The National Pork Board recently quantified and reported...
312-242-7905  Tuesday, March 28, 2023   GRAINS:   The biggest concern at the moment is the lack of rain in the forecast for SW Kansas, W. OK, and the TX panhandle. It appears to me that wheat is poised to challenge resistance which I’ll define as 720 in...
Dr. Dermot Hayes, agricultural economist at Iowa State University, shared his outlook for US pork exports at the Four Star Veterinary Service Pork Industry Conference held in Fort Wayne, Indiana in mid-September. “Southeast Asia is switching away from producing backyard...
Sustainability is a concept that has become increasingly important to large companies and national governments. However, most people don’t realize that sustainable practices can help you conserve resources and reduce waste at home as well. As we enter Spring,...
Gut health in pigs continues to be a focus area for producers and veterinarians. Growing consumer concerns, along with an increased frequency of resistant pathogen challenges, are demanding that our industry explore options beyond the conventional use of antibiotics...
Dr. Bradley working on Evonik’s meat quality research project at the University of Illinois. After the Midwest ASAS meetings in Madison, Wisconsin, Evonik hosted the industry's leading nutritionists and researchers in the North American Swine Industry. The seminar aimed to...
312-242-7905  Tuesday, March 21, 2023   GRAINS:   Corn is a tough read at this time. A 75-cent break uncovered Chinese corn demand but the bounce was less than 30-cents off the low. Odds are it will take another move lower in prices to uncover additional demand....
Powerful partnerships are built on shared values. I am reminded of this truth daily as I see the agriculture industry live it out—the industry responsible for providing one of the necessities to sustain human life on this planet: food....
African swine fever (ASF) continues to be high on the list of transboundary diseases that can result in devastating damage to pork production. This devastating nature of ASF has sparked an unprecedented level of international collaboration. One example of...
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